February 22, 2025

Berean Bible Journeys


But If Not – The CoronaBeast

I unfortunately had this sudden revelation.  It took my breath.

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# 1 – This covid vax:

The creators have already admitted that is does not stop transmission of the virus. 

The vaccine is made in such a way that it targets only one specific detail of the covid virus, the spike proteins.  The spike protein is the membrane responsible for cell entry.  This limited target of the vaccine limits the immunity of the vaccine and it limits the immunity time period.  A natural immunity from actually having the virus strengthens your immune system and enables your body to fight off a future infection.  This covid vax actually weakens the immune system and lowers your ability to fight off any future infection of a covid virus (technical jargon below) A Houston study from October 2020 found that one certain mutation allowed “the spike to evade a neutralizing antibody that humans naturally produce to fight SARS-CoV-2 infections.  This may allow that variant of the virus to more easily slip past our immune systems.”  That sounds strikingly like the very smart virus could mutate to avoid your immune system, and that the vaccine could predispose you to be more susceptible to the new strains of covid.   Another paper stated that “genetic analysis of circulating strains suggests that partially-resistant variants can emerge and spread among humans.  The mutation, and at least half a dozen others, show that the spike protein can change without destroying the virus’s ability to spread.”  And as of December 20, 2020, the new UK variant is defined by multiple spike protein mutations present as well as mutations in other genomic regions.

#2 -The news has come out that you cannot donate blood after having the Covid vaccine.   What? Why?  Vitalant said “because the vaccine causes spike antibodies, and they need nucleocapsid antibodies.” In layman’s terms, the vaccine creates spike proteins and that is not the type needed for plasma that will benefit a covid patient.  Essentially, a vaccinated person’s immune system has been compromised.   By zeroing in on the spike protein of the virus, manufacturers have left the door open for the virus to evade the vaccine and have weakened the immune system against possible future infections and mutations.

Note:  donation of blood plasma has been one of the life-saving treatments for covid patients.  However, hospitals are now running out of blood platelets.  These are necessary for major surgeries such as heart surgeries. 

Medical personnel are often the first in line to donate blood because they understand the need. Likewise, medical personnel are often first in line to receive the covid vax.

Here we have a recipe for disaster:   No one donating blood because their blood is now compromised.  No life-saving surgeries.  No plasma treatments for covid patients.  

This news tells us a couple of things:

#3 – This covid vax will, in no way, ever be able to provide herd immunity to the world, ever.  IMPORTANT SIDENOTE (The herd immunity theory is based on studies done on naturally occurring viruses, only.  There is absolutely NO proof that herd immunity actually works with a vaccine-induced “immunity”).

Not to mention the virus has already mutated into a faster spreading covid virus.

Imagine this:

#4 – The fear mongering is going to spike.  The numbers and cases and deaths will spike.  The fear and the mask mania and the plexiglass will spike because this vax only attacks the spike protein.  See what I did there?

Guess what will NOT spike?  Your freedom.

#5 – On a side note:  Studies have surfaced that those that are deficient in Vitamin D have a much harder time fighting covid.  Guess what program kicked off this week authored by none other than Bill Gates. Gates has this less than brilliant idea of blocking out the sun with particles sprayed into the air, in order to stop global warming.  This program just got the green light.  Will we see the following verse fulfilled literally?

“…and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood.”  Rev 6:12

“Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and one-third of the sun was struck, and one-third of the moon, and one-third of the stars, and they became dark.  And one-third of the day was dark, and also one-third of the night.: Rev 8:12

So let’s put this all together:

A vax that does not necessarily provide immunity or transmission.

A vax that weakens your immune system to a future covid virus.

A new faster-spreading strain of covid.

Everyone breathing their own exhaust.

Everyone trapped at home.

Everyone vitamin D deficient.

No blood donations available

What a brilliant, evil plan!

Worldwide fear and enslavement to a pharmaceutical!

Wait this sounds so familiar. 

“For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.”  Revelation 18:23

If you verse map this you would get something like…

“ all the world, nations, people, were deceived, led astray, wandered after, misled, led away from the truth because of your pharmekia, medicine, drugs, poison, enchantment…properly, drug-related sorcery.”

All the world deceived by a pharmaceutical?  I used to read Revelation and wonder how that could ever happen.

#6 – In a month or so, look for them to soft expose the truth that this vaccine requires repeated doses to keep your from dying of a covid type virus.  No one has any idea of the effects of experimental mRNA in the vaccine that basically alters your DNA.

You won’t be able to enter any place without your mask and your covid pass.

Eventually Bill Gates, quantum dot tatoo will be released so you can be marked with a tatoo when you are vaccinated.  This tatoo will glow under certain lights, like your Chucky Cheese entrance stamp used to.  The ingredient that causes the tatoo to glow is called “Luciferase”.  It’s the same enzyme that causes a firefly to light up.   Not.  Even.  Kidding.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.  And that no man might buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  Revelation 13:16-17

Translation:  You can’t go to Walmart or Target or Costco or Kroger if you don’t have the Luciferase enzyme Gates tatoo mark.

You have seen how this beast of a plan has systematically broken down the small business that dared to go against the mask mandates.  This will become even more pronounced with the vaccine.  The only businesses that will be left will be those that wander after the beast system and comply. 

“And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3

“And all the world was amazed and astonished out of their senses, awestruck, marveled, admired and followed after the beast.”

They will have enslaved the entire world to this system.  An intricately well-laid plan that could only be orchestrated by Satan himself.  Mere humans could not have created the details and cunningly put each piece into place over many years. 

What are we to do?

“Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues.”  Revelation 18:4

We have to stand against this evil.  We have to say as did the three Hebrew children, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, “…our God whom we serve is able to deliver us out of thine hand, O king.  BUT IF NOT, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not bow to your golden idol.” Daniel 3:17-18

“May God have mercy on us, and bless us:  may he cause the light of his countenance to shine upon us, and may he have mercy on us.  That we may know thy way upon earth:  they salvation in all nations.  Let people confess to thee, O God:  let all people give praise to thee.” Psalms 66

Is there any hope?  Well, Jesus/Yeshua told Peter:

“Upon this rock I will build my church (ekklesia, set apart congregation) and the gates (Gates?) of hell shall not prevail against it.”  Matt 16:18

“So keep watch at all times, and pray that you may have the strength to escape all that is about to happen and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36

(I am not a medical professional.  It was not my intention to write a medical paper.  My intention was to warn you of the snapshot I received of the endgame and how it may play out. Two of my medical friends were kind enough to proofread this. I reserve the right to update this info if I discover updated information. Also, many of the articles where I first read of these points have disappeared from the internet.)

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