Does is matter what you wear?
#TINK (Things I Never Knew)
(This is not about what you think it is)
Millions of words have been written about whether God cares about what we wear. Usually, this centers around women and their modesty in dress. Such questions as “Does God care how much of my skin is showing?” or “Does God care if I wear a dress or pants?” That is not what this is about. Let’s detour from that and discuss a matter of dress that God truly does “care” about it. And without a doubt, He gave us instructions on it.
In Deuteronomy 22:11 this command was given: “Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together”
Raise your hand if you read that and kind of, maybe rolled your eyes.
Why would God make such a statement? Was it just another of the hundreds of commands He laid out to control His people? I used to think so.
Until someone told me about linen.
The garment of the priesthood.
The garment of the rich…the rich man clothed in purple and fine linen.
The garment David danced in.
The garment of the Proverbs 31 woman and her staff.
The garment Christ was wrapped in at His burial.
The garment of the Bride of Christ….Revelation 19:8 It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
And on and on…
I am going to give you the punch line right up front:
Modern research shows that Linen has a signature frequency of 5,000 and that it is literally healthier for your body if you wear linen. Apparently, the wavelengths of the frequency of linen and wool run in opposite directions and the blending of them in a fabric zero’s out the health benefits of either fabric.
Everything on this earth has a signature frequency. Everything. The average healthy body has a frequency of around 60 – 80. Recent research shows that when the body’s immune system is compromised that the frequency drops below this level. Those with a frequency of less than 50 were identified as having a chronic disease, and any number less than 15 was identified with those having an advanced, life-threatening disease such as cancer.
If you have ever dabbled in essential oils, you may be familiar with this idea of “frequency”. Many essential oils have a high signature frequency. Perhaps this is the reason many people have experienced healing benefits from them.
I am versed in a type of health analysis called Nutrition Response Testing where we use the frequencies of toxins and metal to determine where and why the body is weakened.
Even your emotions have a frequency. Happy, positive thoughts have a high frequency, and depressed, sad thoughts have a low frequency. Obviously, when God inspired the verse, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine,” He already knew the science behind it all. As research now shows that just the act of laughing boosts your immune system for three days!
What does this have to do with what we wear?
A year or two ago, I had studied the laws about dealing with mold in the Old Testament. I read with drudgery through the extreme measures described in Leviticus to rid a house of mold, (everything removed from the home, the home closed up for 7 days, inspected, if mold was still present, all of the interior walls must be removed, the remaining inside walls must be scraped and washed, new stones and plaster must be installed, it must then be inspected again, if the mold reappears then entire home must be destroyed) Guess what, later I was confronted with mold in our own home as well as several friends that were dealing with this curse as well. We now know that a modern home that has taken on mold must be harshly dealt with. Many times, the people living in the home are sickened. Often the home must be condemned because the mold has taken over. Suddenly, those Levitical laws did not seem so far-fetched.
Considering these few examples, I took a second look at the linen-law. It turns out that there is some amazing scientific evidence as to why this command was given. And when you understand this, you understand that God’s commands are given for our blessing and our well-being. And yes, they can bring a curse if we choose to ignore them.
Here are some bulleted things concerning linen:
(I will link the original articles below if you want to read further)
- Linen is the oldest fabric known to man, cultivated from flax or linseed.
- Linen is the strongest of all the vegetable fibers, with 2 to 3 times the strength of cotton. It is lint free and gets softer the more it is washed. It can gain up to 20% moisture without feeling damp. It resists dirt and stains and is strong and durable. When the Tutankhamen’s tomb was opened, the ancient linen curtains were found fully intact.
- Flax is an annual of the plant family Linaceae. There are over 200 varieties of flax plants that, depending on the regional conditions and climate. Flax blooms in clusters of five petaled flowers that open up at dawn and close and fall at around noon when heat sets in. Each flower blooms for only a few hours. The various colors that flax are found in are blue, violet, scarlet and white flowers
- Researchers found that one will fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, and wake up in a better mood after sleeping in and on linen! Linen actually helps repair the body by harmonizing with the cells.

Ever wonder why your bedding is called “linens”?
- No fabric can outperform linen in natural strength, luster and durability.
- Ancient healing secrets revealed in the Holy Scriptures instruct that this fabric is considered Holy attire and part of the sanctification path.
- Linen is an ideal fabric not only for attire; but for your table at every meal as a ‘high energy’ tablecloth and napkin.
Even wonder why your kitchen towels and washcloths are called “linens”?
- Flax fabric is an excellent filter protecting against chemical exposure, noise and dust.
- Linen clothing reduces solar gamma radiation by almost half thereby protecting humans wearing linen. It has been found that flax fibers retrieved from radioactive soils appear to be totally resistant to radiation.
- Linen is the strongest of the vegetable fiber’s, being 2 or 3 times stronger than cotton, with the added bonus of not shrinking or creating lint like cotton does! Linen fabric is highly durable and long-lasting.
The Most Amazing Facts About Linen by Rodney Pere’rah
• Is antibacterial
• Is hypoallergenic (recommended for sensitive skin)
• Causes 1.5x less perspiration than cotton
• Is used for internal sutures, because the body accepts it
• Is effective in reducing fevers and inflammation
• Is 20% more absorbent than cotton (ideal for feminine products)
• Flax fabric increases about one-fifth in strength on wetting
• Linen dries quickly
• Absorbs up to one-fifth of its own oven-dry weight of water without being damp on the surface which is important when one thinks of clothing worn next to the skin
- The atomic frequency measurement of linen fabric measures 5,000!
- The frequency of wool measures 5,000
- The frequency of cotton measures 40 & organic unbleached cotton measures 100, which are not healing materials, but they don’t harm the health.
- Silk fabric only measures 10 units of energy, which would fail to support health in the human body.
- Rayon (wood & bamboo fiber) measures at a 15 signature frequency.
Plastic materials such as polyester, acrylic, spandex, lycra, viscose and nylon measure zero.
If you want to maintain health & heal your body, it is recommended to wear wool or linen. Be aware of the Biblical warning of wearing wool and linen together, which scientific studies have proven to be accurate: the energy of these two fabrics worn together collapsed the electrical field.
Nobel prize winning Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg
In 2003, a study was done by a Jewish doctor, Heidi Yellen, on the frequencies of fabric. According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is the same – 100. The study showed that if the number is lower than 100, it puts a strain on the body. A diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where polyester, rayon, and silk register. Nonorganic cotton registers a signature frequency of about 70. However, if the fabric has a higher frequency, it gives energy to the body. This is where linen comes in as a super-fabric. Its frequency is 5,000. Wool is also 5,000, but when mixed together with linen, the frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero. The reason for this could be that the energy field of wool flows from left to right, while that of linen flows in the opposite direction, from right to left.
One other detail I discovered was that linen does not conduct electricity, meaning it does not accumulate static. Consider the number of times you are zapped with static electricity from you clothing and shoes. Even a small addition of flax fibers to a cloth is enough to eliminate the static electricity. I searched for an article on the adverse effects of my electrical nervous system constantly being shocked by my laundry but haven’t found anything yet.
Suffice to say, the science is just now catching up to God’s word. Just as the pages of instructions given to the priests about how to deal with mold seem ridiculous until you realize the lengths people go to today to rid their homes of mold. Literally, they sometimes must destroy the home and start over. In the same way, the science of the effects of linen on the body is just now catching up with scripture. Who knew that what you wear mattered so much?? And who knew that God’s seemingly restrictive commandments were for your good?
Does God care what you wear? He absolutely does! He gave that command because he cares about your life and He came so that we might have life more abundantly.
One other rabbit trail connected to this: Most of us have looked at detoxing in some areas of our lives. There are many chemicals in our environment. We have changed our diets and our water sources. We have purchased air purifiers and reverse osmosis water systems. We have opted for more natural cleaners and soaps. We have read labels until we are blue in the face. I honestly never even thought to look twice at the fabric I was wearing. When you stand in the sun, you absorb the energy that the sun gives off. In this same way, you absorb the energy of the fabric that is next to your skin. Your skin is your largest organ and your largest detox surface. It makes so much sense now that I have discovered the science behind it, that what I wear matters. It mattered enough to my creator, that He gave the command about clothing to ensure my health.
Consider the flip side of this as well. What are the other fabrics made of that we wear daily? Polyester is made of polyethylene terephthalate and is derived from a chemical reaction involving coal, petroleum, air and water. Plastic. Polyester is thermoplastic. It is actually harmful to people and the environment and can take up to 200 years to biodegrade. It’s production releases toxins in the water and emits lots of pollutants in the air. It outgasses plastic molecules when heated. If you wear these synthetic clothes your body heat releases these chemicals into the air and are absorbed by your skin. One article I read said if you are wearing wrinkle free clothes you are breathing in plastic and formaldehyde. I do not even have space to include the discussion that 85% of used clothing goes to landfills where it takes 20-200 years to decompose.
There’s only one negative, linen is expensive. It is laborious to create whether you are doing it the old timey way or the modern way. I will include a video of each process as it is fascinating to watch. I am also including a video of the production of polyester. We have not gone into debt to change our entire wardrobe, but we are definitely looking at the labels more closely and are taking steps to slowly change our attire. Thrift shops and secondhand stores can be great places to score linen. I am going to continue more of this journey in a follow-up blog post.
Linen testimonials – Life-Giving Linen
Blue Thread Blessings – Inspirational Gifts
frequency-of-linen | Zechariah’s Patrol Report
Linen – The Preferred Fabric for Clothing of Healing … (
Linen for Health « Zipporah Reshel Designs
This truly is a good writing. Thank again for your work in putting out this info.
Thank you so so much God Bless you