February 23, 2025

Berean Bible Journeys


Dreams and Visions?

I believe the Christians are missing something.

We are missing something big. Life changing. Eye-opening.

Where I come from, a Bible-believing, Holy Ghost filled, Gifts-still-manifested-today congregation; we fully believe and preach Acts chapter 2, which quotes Joel Chapter 2.

Refresher course?

The Holy Spirit has just been poured out, they’ve all heard the gospel spoken in their own language, and Peter is delivering the first sermon to the book of Acts congregation. Peter waxes prophetic in verses 17-21:

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:  and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:  And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:  And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:  The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:    And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Recently, there have been several profound prophesies that have come out concerning the arrival of the Messiah. This should be of great interest to every born-again, God-fearing believer. Would you agree? The arrival of the Messiah. That’s big, right? That’s profound. That’s earth-shaking. That’s life-changing.

So, I began to wonder why no one in my Christian circles is talking about it. I have not seen one post from a Christian friend about these prophecies. That puzzled me. Aren’t they concerned? Aren’t they humbled and terrified and crazy excited? No. Crickets. That’s all I hear.

I am assuming that most Christians have not even heard of these prophecies. That is because these prophecies are not coming from Beth Moore, or Justin Furtick, or the popular internet pastor of the week. They aren’t coming from your home church pastor or your small group. No, these prophecies are coming from the Orthodox Jews way over in the land of Israel.

Picture those majestic looking wise old men with beards and a hat, dressed all in black, bowing at the Western Wall. Yeah, those guys. Here’s a pic if you need help.

In the last couple of months, several prophecies have been released from the Holy Land. I will just give you some of the headlines.

“Israel Election Turmoil Would Precede Messiah, Says Rabbi 40 Years Ago!” “when there are elections but no government is selected, the Messiah is right around the corner.”

“Rabbi Predicts Trump’s ‘Peace’ Deal Won’t Succeed Because Messiah Will Come First”

“All Great Rabbis of This Generation Claim the “Messiah” is About to Reveal Himself”

“Rabbi Predicts Messiah by 2021”

“Chief Rabbi of Israel Hints at Location of the Messiah”

Rabbi Kook: “…when the Messiah arrives, the Sea of Galilee will be full.”

“Another righteous rabbi said that according to the current situation in heaven, there will not be Israeli elections–rather, there will be war,” cautioned Zisholtz. “If the elections do take place, it’s pointless since it will end like the other elections; no government will come out of it. “

Now, I’m not saying that these Jews have the corner on all prophecies. I’m not implying that they are the only ones hearing from heaven. You may be saying, “Well, those men don’t even know Jesus, so why would we pay any attention to them?” True, these Orthodox men do not know Jesus, but guess what….He knows them. They are His. Remember, He blinded them to make a way for the Gentiles (other nations) to come into the kingdom. And regardless of what you may have been taught, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did NOT replace Israel with the church. The one true God grafted the Gentiles into the vine and created one new man out of the two. (Ephesians 2) Yes they may be currently blinded to who the Messiah is but He is not blind to who they are. And, ladies and gentlemen, here’s the whole entire, long-awaited point of this post…..

Who was Peter speaking to in the Acts 2 passage above?

He was speaking to the Jews. The Acts 2 message was delivered FIRST to the Jews.

And to whom was the original passage of Joel 2:28-29 written? To the Jewish nations of course.

It just struck me that most will pay no heed to these fantastic prophecies given to these Jews because we have this idea that God isn’t speaking to them right now…He is mad at them….They are being punished….They missed Jesus….All of this may be true, but it does not change the fact that God told us in His word TWICE that in the last days He would give dreams and visions…..to the Jews.

Amos 3:7 “Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.”



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