February 22, 2025

Berean Bible Journeys


Holy Days / Holidays Comparison

When I first learned that the Feasts of YHVH existed I was shocked that I had rarely heard them mentioned. 35+ years in a Protestant American church had left me ignorant of all things considered Jewish or Hebrew. Discovering that Jesus/Yeshua was a Jewish Messiah was faith-altering to say the least. Whereas before, I struggled to make sense of much of scripture and rarely studied the Word, the Jewish/Hebrew context of scripture opened up my eyes to Truth and Revelation. Like drinking from a firehouse. And I love it!!

As I began to study the Feasts of Yahweh, I realized that these were the original “Christian” holidays, the Holy Days, the yearly appointed times set up by the Creator Himself. When I understood the prophetic weight of each of the Feasts, I truly became convicted about trying to incorporate them into my life.

Considering the time, energy, money, and mental planning I put into Easter and Christmas, I determined that I would at least try to balance out my energy between His Holy Days and the Holi-days scheduled by the world. Ultimately, this led to the discovery that the Holy Days have been wholly eclipsed by the Holidays, effectively masking the knowledge that YHVH embedded in His Feasts. He set up a yearly cycle that remembers His past deliverances and rehearses His future ones. As we progress through this cycle year by year, we draw closer and closer to the Father. Every step we take, we discover more of the gospel. Like the march around Jericho, the appointed times teach us obedience and faith in YHVH. Us humans are often hard headed and forgetful and need the repetition to get understanding. Yah knows this.

I said all of that to say this: Yah put it in my spirit a year ago, to map out this comparison of His calendar and the world’s calendar. Studying this, you may realize, as I did, that we have been duped by the enemy in every area of our lives. We have been tricked into celebrating the feasts of the world and have been robbed of the beauty and truth encoded in His feasts.

I pray you are blessed by this Berean Bible Journey.

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