TINK (Things I Never Knew)
Did you know….?
Our idea of spring cleaning comes from Passover?
One element of Passover is to rid your home of all the leaven. Leaven is a symbol of sin in our lives.
For Passover, we are instructed to search the house and remove all the leaven and to keep the home leaven-free for 7 days.
In many homes, this is made into a game, where the children search all the nooks and crannies looking for the tiniest bit. Even a bread crumb being found behind the couch is cause for rejoicing. As you can imagine, this game often turned into a project. “Oh! Let’s clean behind the couch while we have it moved.” Or. “Hey, we can deep clean the fridge and pantry while we are searching for leaven.”
Over time, the Passover aspect has been pushed aside and we have grown up not knowing why we actually do spring cleaning. Perhaps, just as the physical aspect of removing the leaven has disappeared, so we have lost the act of ridding our lives of sin.
God knows we are dust and He uses the natural to teach the spiritual. The physical cleaning is a reminder of the needed spiritual cleansing. Let’s do some deep soul cleansing this week. Passover and Unleavened Bread last 7 days. Let’s make a concerted effort to consciously be cleaning up our lives through repentance and forgiveness this week.
As my 6-year old so aptly put it…”We can’t eat no fluffy bread for 7 days???”
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